14 Aug

This week we are continuing the Jacobs Campaign with Mission 2. We are breaking out another little used aircraft to go with some Voisins. I hope everyone will enjoy all of the carnage as Team Jacobs works to shot me down!

Game time August 22, 2024 at 7 pm est

TabletopFlights.com Presents

A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWI

Legends: Jacobs

Mission 2

Third Before the Second

23 January 1917


Jacobs was re-assigned to Jasta 22 at Vauxsous-Laon on 18 January 1917. Whenever there was a break in the typical minter weather, Jacobs would take flight in his Halberstadt D.II. On 23 January, Jacobs and wingman Lt Rohr spotted a French Caudron directing artillery fire from behind its own lines. While crossing over "No Mans's Land" Jacobs spotted another craft taking Anti-Aircraft fire far above them. During this approach the enemy aircraft began to turn so that the observer could open fire upon him. Jacobs maneuvered around to avoid the incoming fire and work into position behind the Caudron and fire on him. At some point during this exchange, the French gunner managed to sever the lead support wires on Jacobs' Halberstadt. With the Caudron turning and losing altitude and with the Halberstadt vibrating badly, Jacobs chose not to pursue and returned home and claimed credit for the Caudron. On 6 April Jacobs shot at and claimed credit for a French Balloon which was approved on 20 April to become his Second confirmed victory. On 21 April his victory claim of the Caudron from 23 January was confirmed to become his third victory even though it happened before his "Second".

YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EEdqJhT-I0

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/tabletopflights

Next Mission: Tirpods and Triplanes WWI - - 7 pm est August 29, 2024

f you have not already subscribed to the channel, please do so that you will be alerted for new videos.

Hello everyone! with the completion of our last two campaigns, it's time to start anew! This week we are starting a New Legends series with Josef Jacobs (no known relation). We are trying a few things different with this series. First it should not have as many missions, I hope, and the big change is our rules for Respawning after losing you aircraft. We general have a 3 hour time limit on our game session and do not allow respawns in the last hour. In addition to that we are also adding penalties to the downed player depending on the time they lose air worthiness. I hope everyone will enjoy this new campaign as much as we do playing them!

Game time August 15, 2024 at 7 pm est

TableTopFlights.com Presents

A Live Game of Wings of Glory WWI

Legends: Jacobs

Mission 1

Birth of a Legend!

12 May 1916


On 7 May, Josef Jacobs was transferred from FS11 to Fokkerstaffel West. Prior to this transfer, Jacobs had one unconfirmed kill, reportedly a Caudron G.3, though some records suggest it may have been a Voisin III. Upon his arrival at Le Beaux Ferme, he found the squadron equipped with three Fokkers, one Pfalz, and a Morane Parasol. While having supper on 12 May, the sound of anti-aircraft fire rang out. Jacobs quickly manned his Fokker E.III and headed towards the explosions. On his way, he spotted a Caudron heading towards Laon. Dodging anti-aircraft fire, Jacobs fired two bursts into the Caudron, causing it to crash near Bourguignon Wood, southwest of Laon. Upon landing, Jacobs drove to the crash site, where troops and cavalry were already searching for the escaped crew. The wreckage was sufficient for Jacobs to claim the victory, though the anti-aircraft crews also submitted a counterclaim. However, an inspection of the Caudron revealed bullet damage to one of the engines, not shell damage from anti-aircraft fire. The Caudron, from Escadrille C30, had its pilot later found and taken prisoner. This victory marked the first for Fokkerstaffel West.

YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-LlqWq7z9Y

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/tabletopflights

Next Mission: Wings of Glory WWI1 - Mission 2 - 7 pm est August 22, 2024

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