07 Sep

Legends: Guynemer
Mission 14
Guynemer's Last Victories

17 August 1917

On 17 August 1917, Guynemer embarked on a routine patrol in his SPAD XII. Near Vladsloo, he encountered an
Albatros C-type German aircraft. In the ensuing combat, he successfully downed the Albatros, resulting in the
crew's fatal crash. Later, near S. Dixmude, he engaged and shot down a German DFW C.V, also resulting in the
crew's deaths.
The following day, on 18 August, Guynemer attacked a German two-seat aircraft. Although the aircraft sustained
damage, it disappeared from sight, and the victory could not be confirmed. During this engagement, Guynemer's
SPAD XII was damaged sufficiently to necessitate repairs before it could fly again. This incident marked his last
flight in a SPAD XII.
On 20 August, Guynemer returned to the skies in a SPAD XIII. During this flight, he attacked and destroyed another
German DFW C.V. This engagement resulted in his 53rd and final confirmed victory before his death.


Next Mission: Wings of Glory WWI1 - Guynemer - Mission 15: The Last Flight - 7 pm est August 1, 2024

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Legends: Guynemer

Mission 4

Guynemer Goes Down?

On August 17, 1916, Guynemer's Nieuport aircraft sliced through the atmosphere, his sharp eyes caught sight of an Aviatik. With unwavering composure, he squeezed the trigger, unleashing three rounds of ammunition with pinpoint precision. The Aviatik, became engulfed in flames and spiraled towards the earth, a testament to Guynemer's unparalleled marksmanship and piloting abilities.

The following day, August 18, 1916, Guynemer once again took to the skies in search of his next challenge. This time, a Rumpler aircraft was his target. In a breathtaking display of deadly accuracy, he fired just two rounds, and the Rumpler's engine erupted into a fiery inferno.

On August 20, 1916, Guynemer returned to the cockpit of his trusty Nieuport. Two LVG aircraft, emblazoned with their ominous black crosses, appeared on the horizon. In the heat of the dogfight that ensued, Guynemer's aircraft sustained damage and was forced from the air. However, this setback did not deter him from claiming two victories over the LVGs. Despite these victories being unconfirmed in the official records, his reputation as one of the war's premier aces soared higher than ever.


Next Mission: 

Legends: Guynemer Mission 5: 4 September 1916

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Legends: Guynemer 

Mission 3 

Guynemer's First Double  

3 February 1916    

Roye, France   

Guynemer successfully shot down two LVG aircraft in the Roye region during a single mission. His first kill was achieved at 11:10 am using a Lewis gun, and then he managed to shoot down the second LVG aircraft at point-blank range. However, despite his efforts, the third LVG aircraft was only wounded and disappeared into the clouds, leading to the presumption that it was also shot down. Unfortunately, only two of these kills could be officially confirmed, but this accomplishment brought Guynemer's total number of victories to 6. This event highlights his remarkable skills and accomplishments as a fighter pilot during World War I.    


Next Mission: 

Legends: Guynemer Mission 4: 18 August 1916,  

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Legends: Guynemer

Mission 2

Et couic!14 

December 1915

Couarcy, France

Guynemer was flying a Nieuport 10 fighter as an escort for another Nieuport 10 Two-Seater aircraft. They encountered two German aircraft during the fight: an Albatros Two-Seater and a Fokker Eindecker Fighter. During the engagement, Guynemer managed to shoot down the Albatros Two-Seater, killing its passenger and causing the pilot to crash after diving in front of Guynemer's aircraft. While fighting with the Fokker Eindecker, there was a near collision between Guynemer's Nieuport 10 and the Fokker. Thankfully, neither plane sustained any damage from the near miss. However, the close encounter was intense enough to bring an end to the fight, and both the remaining aircraft from the encounter returned to their respective home aerodromes.

Today’s mission: Escorting Two Seaters

Objective: Shoot down both Two seaters


Next Mission: Legends: Guynemer Mission 3: 3 February 1916

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Legends: Guynemer 

Mission 1 

Guynemer's First Victory  

19 July 1915   

St Vincent, France near Reims  

Georges Guynemer, a French World War I fighter pilot, achieved his first air victory on July 19, 1915. At the time Guynemer was flying a Morane-Saulnier Type L aircraft with the Escadrille MS.3, also known as the "Storks". He encountered a mixed flight of German aircraft, Aviatik two seaters and Fokker mono planes, returning from a reconnaissance mission over the Western Front. Engaging in a dogfight, Guynemer skillfully maneuvered his aircraft and managed to shoot down the enemy plane, achieving his first aerial victory. This success marked the beginning of Guynemer's illustrious career as one of France's most celebrated and successful fighter pilots during World War I. 


Next Mission: Legends: Guynemer Mission 2 4th Victory WWI, 


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